Garden News is Britain's most trusted voice in gardening with practical and informative advice features from experts, including Carol Klein. Plus, the step-by-step guides and how to tips and tricks are easy to follow and will ensure your garden is at it's best - whatever the weather!
Banish those winter blues!
PESTICIDE PROTEST! • Millions sign petition to put pressure on government
Clematis that are social climbers! • Editor at large Ian Hodgson's pick of new clematis and a tried and tested favourite
Your garden GEMS! • Top gardening tips from our readers
A love story with snowdrops • One gardener’s passion for these plants has blossomed into a stunning National Collection of more than 1,000 varieties
All you need to know about EARLY SEED SOWING • With the right knowledge and conditions you can give your flowers the best start for a vibrant summer of blooms
Get the most out of your HELLEBORES • With a range of colours and varieties, these beauties are truly the must-have plant for any garden
Everyone needs a NATIVE HEDGE! • Whatever size of plot you have, they make a wonderful addition to a garden
Over the FENCE
HELP WILDLIFE THIS WINTER • A little thought and effort go a long way in supporting your garden’s flourishing ecosystem!
POT UP SHRUB CUTTINGS • Now’s the time to take action and multiply your plant collection for a lush garden
QUICK WINS TO BEAT THE BLUES • Tackling a few small but satisfying jobs keeps the garden dream alive
FORCE RHUBARB • Try this simple trick for an early harvest of a classic sweet treat
Doing battle with damp! • A leaky gutter has caused havoc in the shed but now that’s dealt with it’s onwards with spring prep
Quick and easy lovely lemon curd
Keep orchids looking good all year • If you’ve received one as a gift just follow these tips to get the best from your plant
TEA BREAK • Weekly prize crossword
Pick of the POST
Snap up a bargain Bright Erysimum Collection
Dazzling Dahlia Breeder’s Mix
Guarantee a stunning colourful display all summer
Garden News