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PROJECTS • From gorgeous home items to stylish accessories and clothes, it’s time to get creative with your granny squares.
DOLLY MIXTURES • Join sweet squares to make a baby blanket in sugary shades.
GRANNY COOL • Embrace vintage chic while you’re on the go with this colourful handbag and its matching accessories.
READY, STEADY, COOK! • Pretty up a plain pinny with a pair of cute pastel-hued pockets.
SQUARE WEAR • Bring your grannies up to date with Anne Egan’s pretty vest top.
ON THE SCENT • Keep your linens smelling sweet in the traditional way with Lara Messer’s fragrant sachet.
CHAIN REACTION • Debbie Bliss’s scarf is an elegant row of granny squares that’s light enough to wear all year round.
ZIP IT UP • Beat the back-to-school blues with Sara Huntington’s simple pencil case.
DREAM IN COLOUR • Bring a rainbow to the nursery with Becky Skuse’s sweet and simple granny square blanket.
FIFTIES FABULOUS • Spruce up your table with Kyoko Nakayoshi’s colourful mid-centuryinspired set.
GIVE A MUG A HUG • Use four different shades of yarn to make one of Louise Smith’s retro-hued cup cosies.
COMING UP ROSES • Revamp your favourite chair with Nicki Trench’s vibrant cushion.
PETAL POWER • Hook your way to happiness with this colourful creation by Sara Huntington.
SUNNY SIDE UP • Play with kaleidoscope colours to make Debora Bradley’s vivid bunting.
À LA CUISINE • Add a touch of gingham to your kitchen with granny square makes in strawberries and cream colours.
FAIR AND SQUARE • Go bright and breezy with Ruth Maddock’s beautiful two tone top.
PRETTY IN PINK • Not your ordinary granny square blanket – Hannah Cross’s design is blooming with crocheted roses.
KEEP IT SIMPLE • Ilaria Caliri’s scrummy merino scarf is cleverly made by linking together granny squares.
ON THE TILES • Inspired by the streets of Morocco, Jennifer May’s trio of wall hangings creates a wonderful splash of colour.
A WARM WELCOME • Hook Jenny Phin’s classic granny squares to make a geometric canvas for your home.
BRIGHTON PLAID • With its riot of colours, nobody puts Cécile Balladino’s granny square blanket in the corner.
SHE'S A STAR • Add a colour pop to your wardrobe with Sara Huntington’s reversible skirt.
FLORAL FRENZY • Match this slouchy bag with pretty mitts for a touch of granny chic.
BACK TO BLACK • Catch the monochrome trend with Becky Garratt’s sweet scarf.
Squares chart library
COME AWAY WITH US! • Join us on our first holidays...
Joining squares • Wondering how to put your granny squares together? We’ll show you how easy it is to join your motifs while you work.
Crochet essentials • Over the next few pages, you’ll find simple step-by-step guides to many useful stitches and techniques that you’ll use every time you pick up a hook.